Photo of the Week: Father of Sisters Margarita and Teresita Ruiz Honored at Renovation of Chapel He Designed |
Humberto Ruiz Castillo (1897-1966) – respected engineer and architect and the father of Adrian Dominican Sisters Margarita “Margot” Ruiz, OP, and Teresita “Tete” Ruiz, OP – was honored recently during a special Mass marking the beginning of a renovation project on a chapel he designed.
Turning Suffering Into Solidarity
Dominican SIster of Springfield Josetta Brown came home from work at daycare lamenting the situation of one of her co-workers. Shelly* was running low on food to feed her family. After telling Shelly's story at pastoral council when members were discussing local needs during the pandemic, the community rallied around the family. |
Kathy Almaney of Chicago Welcomed as Associate of Adrian Dominican Sisters
Kathy Almaney, of Chicago, a former Adrian Dominican Sister who has continued her connection to the Congregation, formally became an Adrian Dominican Associate March 14, 2021, during a virtual Ritual of Acceptance attended by more than 80 Associates, Sisters, family members, and friends.
Dominican Sisters of Peace Support New Center for Catholic and Dominican Life Albertus Magnus College to Open Meister Eckhart Center Fall, 2021
The Dominican Sisters of Peace are delighted and blessed to announce their support of a new center to promote the Dominican mission and charism at Albertus Magnus College, an educational ministry founded by the Congregation in 1925. The Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Peace has donated $1,000,000 to the new Meister Eckhart Center for Catholic and Dominican Life at Albertus Magnus College. This gift will further the institution’s stated mission to provide men and women with an education that promotes the search for truth in all its dimensions and is practical in its application.
Catholic Sisters Week 2021
As Catholic Sisters Week 2021 comes to an end, the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, are once again reminded of the impact of Women Religious on society, as well as their accomplishments and influence worldwide. This year's Catholic Sisters Week celebration was full of community, faith, friendship, and joy, even with the shift from in-person to virtual events.
Adjustments to COVID and Cold
In a February newsletter to friends and supporters, Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz reflected on the challenges of the past year since the COVID lockdown began on Pine Ridge Reservation where she is pastoral associate at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish, Oglala, SD.
Feeding Hungers: A Catholic Sisters Week Reflection
When needs for safety, belonging, and self esteem are not met, how can individuals learn, grow, and contribute to the well-being of the whole? For all these reasons and more, Catholic Sisters have been feeding the world’s hungers for hundreds of years. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield fed hungers this Catholic Sisters Week. |
Congratulations to Sisters Molly Dower and Theresa Lynch!
During the Town of Orangetown's March 10th Board Meeting, Sisters Molly and Theresa, along with other Women Religious from the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, and nearby congregations, were recognized with a Proclamation for Catholic Sisters Week 2021. Along with the Proclamation, Sisters Molly and Theresa were also presented certificates from the Town, celebrating their birthdays. |
News from Las Casas
Debra Haaland was sworn in on March 18 as the Secretary of the Interior. Haaland is an activist-turned-lawmaker who was among the women of color who won in the 2018 midterm race. She was one of two first Indigenous women ever to win a congressional seat. It is not just Haaland’s Native American identity which symbolizes progress, it is the racial and ethnic background in combination with politically progressive views which are antithetical to power and capital.
Catholic Sisters Week Wrap Up
The Dominican Sisters of San Rafael launched a successful awareness-raising campaign for Catholic Sisters Week as part of the Challenge to end Hunger and used our social media channels to inspire people to action. We shared different stories and perspectives on food insecurity and made financial contributions to three organizations in the communities in which we serve.
Adrian Dominican Sisters Call for End to Violence against Asian Americans
The General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters issued a statement, calling for an immediate end to the violence against Asian Americans and people from the Pacific Islands, and for the enactment of strong legislation against these hate crimes.
Leaders of Congregations of Michigan Catholic Sisters Call for Ron Weiser’s Removal
The leaders of Congregations of Catholic Sisters in Michigan – including the Adrian Dominican Sisters – issued a statement in response to Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser’s offensive statement on Michigan’s top three elected women officials.
Sister Spotlight: Sr. Mary Jo Lynch, OP
As the Easter Triduum approaches, only sisters who have served as sacristans or liturgists can appreciate all the work that goes on behind the scenes. The celebration of the Triduum, making the end of the Lenten season, leads from the Mass of the Last Supper, through the Good Friday passion service, to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil. As coordinator of the sacristy team, Sr. Mary Jo Lynch takes responsibility to be sure that the chapel is appropriately prepared for each of the Triduum services and beautifully adorned for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. |
Dominican Staff Member Spotlight: Maintenance Team
The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt Maintenance Staff of Valerie Holder, Tony Prestipino, and Joe Russo have been working nonstop over the past year to serve our sisters’ needs during the pandemic. Recently, they completed a significant renovation project of the Motherhouse Dining Room. Together, they coordinated the Dining Room transfer to a temporary area while the floor replacement and wall painting took place in a three-week time frame. Sr. Mary Flood, OP, praised their efforts and shared, “Our sisters are delighted to be able to celebrate Easter in their beautiful, warm, newly renovated dining room.” |
Below are breif descriptions for upcoming events and retreats. For more information on all events, click here. |
Step away from the Noise at “Sound Scape”
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Listen to the sounds of creation, enjoy fresh air, and get a respite from the noise and frenetic pace of life during “Sound Scape,” at Jubilee Farm.
Weber Center Offers Hour of Prose, Poetry, and Potpourri
Thursday, April 8, 2021
In recognition of National Poetry Month in April, Weber Retreat and Conference Center offers a virtual program of Prose, Poetry, and Potpourri. Settle in with your favorite beverage and listen to poetry read by the authors, a reading from a book soon to be published, and familiar and original musical compositions.
Embracing the Chaos: Learning to Love the Difficult
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Tom Roberts, a licensed psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist, will lead Embracing the Chaos: Learning to Love the Difficult. Participants will explore how what we refer to as chaos is really the substance of our spiritual growth.
Soil and Soul: A Gardening Spirituality
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Sinsinawa Mound Center is celebrating Earth Day by bringing gardening and spirituality together in Soil and Soul: A Gardening Spirituality with Ecological Programming Coordinator Eric Anglada facilitating. The garden is a holy place and to garden is to engage in sacred work. Participants will delve into the spirituality of gardening and learn a few practical tips.
Workshop Explores Women in the Church
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Acclaimed author Sister Christine Schenk, CSJ, explores the history of women’s roles in early Christianity in her workshop, Women in the Church: Past, Present, and Future.
Explore Prayer Life of Catherine of Siena
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Prayer is like plunging into the sea. This is just one of the images Catherine of Siena uses to describe prayer. Sister Kathleen Flood, OP, will offer insights into the prayer life of St. Catherine of Siena in Catherine’s Tapestry of Prayer.
Lakota Holy Man Nicholas Black Elk’s Life and Colonialism Explored
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Join Maka Black Elk and Damian Costello as they delve into the life and possible canonization of Lakota holy man Nicholas Black Elk, what it means to be both Lakota and Catholic, as well as paths to healing from the trauma of colonialism, especially boarding schools.
The Iowa and Indigenous Resurgence: An Interview with Lance Foster
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Lance Foster, an enrolled member of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, will be the featured guest for The Iowa and Indigenous Resurgence: An interview with Lance Foster on Tuesday, April 20. Join Sinsinawa Mound Center for this virtual program that will explore the imagination and courage of Native peoples to see beyond the destructive history of colonialism and to generate right relationship with the land and the building up of community.
Easter Blessings from the Dominican Sisters Conference Staff
Ashley, Dusty, MaDonna, and Mary Ellen - Alleluia
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