Photo of the Week: Dominican Sisters of Peace Profess, Renew Temporary Vows |
It’s been a busy month for Sr. Pat Dual, OP, and the Formation team at the Dominican Sisters of Peace, as Sister Margaret Uche renewed her Temporary Vows at a ceremony in Kansas on July 18, and Sister Ellen Coates professed her Temporary Vows at the Columbus, OH, Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse Chapel on August 1.
Blood Drive at Dominican College
In early July, Sisters Barbara McEneany and Bernadette Burke of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, participated in a Blood Drive at Dominican College, where they both minister. Sisters Barbara and Bernadette are pictured below with New York State Assemblyman Mike Lawler, who’s office sponsored the Blood Drive.
Perpetual Vow Ceremony Scheduled
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are pleased to announce the perpetual profession of vows of Sister Kelly Moline during the Eucharistic Liturgy at 10:00am on Sunday, August 8, 2021, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Springfield, IL. A limited number of fully vaccinated guests plan to be present in the chapel for the ceremony. All other are welcome to celebrate via livestream.
Sr. Ruth Lautt Helps Bring COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up
Sister of St. Dominic of Amityville, Ruth Lautt, OP, initiated and coordinated bringing a New York City Health and Hospitals Mobile Vaccine Site to the parish of St. Fidelis in College Point, NY. People from St. Fidelis Parish and beyond came all day on both July 10th and 11th to get their vaccines.
Promoters of North American Region Gather for Annual Conference
In July, Dominican justice promoters from the provinces of friars of the US and Canada and the Vicariate of Vietnam, 16 congregations of Sisters, and the Dominican Youth Movement joined for its annual conference. This year the promotors focused on the theme: “Justice: Moving Toward a Wider We.”
Jubilee for San Rafael Dominicans
The Dominican Sisters of San Rafael gathered to celebrate our Jubilarians in a special liturgy held on July 24 in the Gathering Space in San Rafael. Presiding at Mass was a dear friend to the sisters, Father Jude Siciliano, OP, and Mass was live-streamed to nearly 400 guests consisting of family members, friends, sisters from other congregations, and partners in ministry.
General Assembly: (Almost) Everyone under One Roof
For a delightful change of pace, nearly all Springfield Dominican Sisters were home for thier annual summer gathering in June, a meeting that provides time to think and talk together about our mission and enjoy one another’s company.
What Spirituality Means To Me
Spirituality is something that has very different meanings to each person. While some of us may consider ourselves to be spiritual beings, others may not even think about it once during the day and even mock the idea of spirituality. Sr. Shirley Jeffcott, OP, of the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, NY, views spirituality as “indeed the search, the pulse, and the center of my being.” In the most recent episode of the Hearts Afire Podcast, Sr. Shirley further reflected on the meaning of spirituality and when she feels most close to God.
Hearts Afire Podcast
Watch or listen to the latest episode of the Hearts Afire Podcast hosted by the Sisters of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, NY. In this episode, featured guest Sr. Bridget Mary Troy, OP, reflects on the importance of keeping faith during times of sickness. To watch, listen, or subscribe, click on one of the below links:
Sister Spotlight: Sr. Dorothy Hall, OP
For Sr. Dorothy, a Sister of Saint Dominic of Blauvelt, New York, her ministry as a Pastoral Associate at St. Charles Borromeo Resurrection and All Saints Church in Harlem, NY, is essential. During the pandemic, Sr. Dorothy found creative ways to manage the food pantry from afar.
Associate Spotlight: Springfield Dominican Associates Cathy and Joshua Becker
During the isolation of the pandemic stay-home orders, the Becker Family's National Park dream became an urgent need to escape reality. They longed to be together in a new space with time to re-connect - to grieve, to hope, to laugh, to find the new after so much isolation and fear. Along their journey they encountered the kindness of others, connected to the land, pondered questions of equity, justice, incarceration, and poverty.
UN Update: High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) Conclusion and Ministerial Declaration 2021
The two-week High Level Political Forum was sponsored by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and was filled with a variety of events addressing the eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) that were the focus of this year’s review. Sr. Dusty Farnan Sums up the HLPF saying, "it is loud and clear that there cannot be a recovery from the pandemic without international solidarity and cooperation, including through climate finance and financing for development.”
Below are breif descriptions for upcoming events and retreats. For more information on all events, click here. |
Author of White Fragility Zoom Session
Sunday, August 15
The OPSCC Justice Committee will be holding a Zoom Session with Robin D'Angelo, the author of White Fragility, on August 15, from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm.
Urbi et Orbi: Hold the Date
October 12-14
The sponsoring Dominican schools of preaching in the Philippines, Germany, and US will hold the next global Dominican preaching colloquium in-person in Manila, Philippines and virtually in October 2021.
Workshop Guides Personal Emergence from Pandemic
Saturday, August 21
Sinsinawa Mound invites you to attend "Emerge Gently: Telling Our Pandemic Story," for an afternoon of listening to the Spirit through guided discussions, reflection prompts, and sharing stories.
Gallery Exhibit Invites Reflection on Water and Early Inhabitants
Through August 26
Sinsinawa Art Gallery presents “Recent Paintings: Isabel Rafferty, OP,” a Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa and artist, who has studied the medium of water-based oils on canvas the last few years with Professor Bob Tarrell of Edgewood College, Madison, WI. This exhibit showcases her work during that time.
Hand of Iowa City makes Sinsinawa Concert Debut
Wednesday, August 18
Gregory Hand of Iowa City, IA, is making his debut organ concert of the Summer Organ Concert series at Sinsinawa Mound.
Mini Retreat Reflects on Pope’s Teachings, Living Cosmology
Saturday, August 28
Our living creation story reveals the deep-time values of differentiation, interiority, and communion. These universal dynamics provide a comprehensive context from which to reflect on our tradition’s evolving religious consciousness and teachings. In this light, participants will reflect on Pope Francis’ teachings.
Zelek of Madison Makes Sinsinawa Debut
Wednesday, August 25
Gregory Zelek rounds out our 2021 Summer Organ Concert series with his first appearance of the Summer Organ Concert series at Sinsinawa Mound.
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