DomLife newsletter. A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers.
no. 337
February 3, 2021
Photo of the Week: Coming Home to Her Call

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Catholics celebrate the sinless birth and life of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus. This holiday was another sort of celebration for the Dominican Sisters of Peace, as the Congregation welcomed Maria Tram Bui, 41, as a candidate on December 7, 2020, the vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Ministry During COVID
Before the pandemic, Sr. Maggie McDermott, OP, was busy overseeing the pre-kindergarten program for three and four-year-olds as the Executive Director of the Tolentine Zeiser Community Life Center. Once the Pandemic hit, the kids went home and Sr. Maggie was faced with new challenges. In the past nine months, she has had to navigate through this hectic time and stressful situations, including: setting up remote learning, finding electronic learning devices for those who don’t have access to it at home, as well as creating a safe in-person learning experience.

Nuclear Weapons. Always Immoral. Now Illegal
Srs. Ardeth Platte and Carol Gilbert have been involved in raising awareness on the devastating human cost of nuclear warfare, and the outrageous economic machine that supports nuclear weapons in our world over the years. They are overjoyed now that we are one step closer to the elimination of nuclear weapons as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) was entered into force on January 22, 2021.

Kindness Week Inspires Dominican School Community
January 11-15, 2021, was the first Kindness Week at St. Mary's Dominican High School in New Orleans, LA, a founded ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Kindness Week was organized by members of the Student Council Executive Board in loving memory of Kendall Alfortish, Class of 2019, whose tragic loss was the inspiration for a week of joy and kindness.

Dominican High School Senior Sydney Raymond Named Candidate in U.S. Presidential Scholars Program
Sydney Raymond, a St. Mary’s Dominican High School graduating senior, has been named one of more than 4,500 candidates in the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. The candidates were selected from nearly 3.6 million students expected to graduate from U.S. high schools in the year 2021. 

Historical Tour Mound Architecture
Heritage Works of Dubuque visited Sinsinawa Mound in the fall and created a virtual tour of the buildings that make up the Sinsinawa Dominican Motherhouse. 

New Promoter of Justice and Peace
Brother Aniedi Okure, OP, is the new General Promoter of Justice and Peace and the new Delegate to the United Nations. He was appointed by the Master of the Order, Brother Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, on October 25, 2020, and assigned to the Convent of Santa Sabina, Rome, on December 10, 2020.
85 Years Later, Keepsakes Find Their Way Back to Dominican
In 1935, the graduating class of St. Mary’s Dominican High School numbered 35 students. Marguerite Ayala Lier was in the Class of 1935. Upon her death, The Lier Family donated several documents that their mother had kept over the decades. The items included a Graduation Memories book filled with photos, correspondences, news-paper clippings, school programs, and a college biology notebook with handwritten entries. School historian Sr. Dominic Savio Estorge, OP (Peace), said the Lier family’s donation will be a welcomed addition to the school archives.  
Big Plans to Restore Wisconsin Shrine
Each December 12, the Catholic faithful celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, commemorating the 1531 appearance of Mary to Juan Diego on a hillside near Mexico City. While hundreds of years and thousands of miles separate that event and a small plot in Endeavor, WI, there is an important modern-day connection that is playing out as volunteers work tirelessly to save the little-known Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine. The shrine was worked on by two young Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters with formal art training who created the mosaic artwork as a way to build relationship with the migrant workers and their children.
U.S. Catholic Historian Future Issue: Dominicans in America
For forty years, the U.S. Catholic Historian has published theme-based issues relevant to the history of American Catholicism. An upcoming issue will address the theme of Dominicans in the U.S. Catholic context. 2022 marks the bicentennial of the establishment of Dominican women religious in the United States. Submissions that take up the history of Dominican women are especially welcomed. 
Position Opening: Executive Director
Do you have a passion for Dominican Life, to work within a team and enjoy a large network of relationships? Then we invite you to discern with us, the role of Executive Director of the Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC). It could be a good fit for you. The Dominican Sisters Conference (DSC) is seeking a dynamic and committed Dominican Sister to provide the key leadership and collaboration needed to implement its future planning strategy. 

We Must Make it Happen. Together.
Sr. Dusty Farnan reports back on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' priorities for the year 2021 and an update on the Commission on the Status of Women.

Sister Spotlight: Sister Mary Francella Vyverman
Dominican Sister of Springfield Mary Francella has been a pastoral minister for decades, but once the pandemic lock-down began in March, she was unable to return to her ministry. But that hasn't held her back from spreading joy to those in need! "We knew that even though we couldn't visit, we could continue to reach out to our parishioners in different nursing homes," she said. "We wanted to do more. So, we did. Over the months, we've sent something to put a smile on their faces, to give greater joy, to decorate their room."
Associate Spotlight: Ellen Nash
For Ellen Nash, the Blauvelt Dominican Associate Program has empowered her “to be a leader and openly share my spirituality.” One way she does this is as an active member of the Blauvelt Social Justice Committee, where she chairs the circle on immigration. A few years ago, Ellen traveled to Juarez, Mexico, with the Dominican Collaborative Circle to work with immigrants at the border. Since then, she has gotten involved with her church, Our Lady of Sorrows, to start ESL classes.
Below are breif descriptions for upcoming events and retreats. For more information on all events, click here.
Mound Offers Dan Schutte Virtual Lenten Retreat
February 17 - April 1

Sinsinawa Mound Center is sponsoring a Virtual Lenten Retreat with Dan Schutte. The retreat will be available beginning Ash Wednesday through Holy Thursday. Schutte will provide 18 musical reflection videos that are accessible online anytime during the retreat. 
Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative Explained 
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Join Shelley Buffalo, coordinator of the Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative (MFSI), as she shares a brief history of the Meskwaki tribe and information about the MFSI. 
Tree Rings Tell History of Driftless Area’s Climate, Environment, People
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Sinsinawa Mound Center is sponsoring The Driftless Oaks: A History of Climate, Environment, and People from the Rings of Trees. Evan Larson and Chris Underwood will share stories, photographs and scientific results from a decade of tree-ring research conducted in collaboration with their geography students at UW-Platteville and at sites across the Driftless Area.
Pause: A Season to Breathe
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Sister Stella DeVenuta, OSF, will lead the series Pause: A Season to Breathe, a series of virtual micro-retreats that invite participants to be attentive and compassionate, pause, and appreciate each faith-based season as it mirrors the natural changing cycle of seasons.
Author Boss Leads Lenten Retreat Based on her Writing 
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Humans share this beautiful Earth with creatures magnificent, delicate, intricate — and now vanishing at a faster rate than at any other time in history. Gayle Boss, author of “Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from the Vanishing,” will share insights from her book at an online event.
Preaching with their Lives
March - April 2021

The McGreal Center will host a series of new book events about Preaching with their Lives. Registration will begin mid-February.
Workshop Explores U.S. Prison System Through Eyes of Christian Mercy and Ethics
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Kathryn Getek-Soltis, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics at Villanova University and former Catholic chaplain at Suffolk County House of Corrections in Boston, explores the U.S. prison system through the eyes of Christian mercy and ethics in her workshop, Christian Mercy and our American Prison System.
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