DomLife newsletter. A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers.
no. 327
September 2, 2020
Photo of the Week: 
Taking the Next Step: Thirty Years of Parish Ministry Lead to Dominican Sisters of Peace

The Dominican Order celebrates its founder, St. Dominic, on August 8. And in 2020, despite a pandemic and quarantine orders, the Dominican Sisters of Peace celebrated the Feast Day of St. Dominic by welcoming a new candidate to the order, when Cathy Buchanan, 55, entered the Congregation as a Candidate at the House of Welcome in New Haven, CT. 

Mexican American Art and Culture Institute Elects Friar to Board

Mexican American Art and Culture Institute Elects Friar to Board

Southern Dominican Friar, Armando P. Ibanez, was nominated and elected to the Board of the Mexican American Art and Culture Institute, which was founded in 2019 with a goal to create a vast industry of film production in San Antonio. “I am honored, excited and looking forward to working with the board of the MAACI, as movies teach us so much, especially about our humanity,” said Ibanez.


Amityville Dominican Sisters Participate in Caravan to Advocate for Undocumented Immigrants on Long Island


Amityville Sisters Carolann Masone, Margaret Rose Smyth, Mary Pat Neylon, Laura Helbig and Emily Masse represented the Amityville Dominicans in a Car Caravan on August 19. The Caravan was an effort to advocate for the undocumented and to alert state Senators to pass legislation to ensure excluded workers get the relief they need to survive the COVID-19 crisis.


Serving Those Impacted By COVID-19 - Sisters on the Frontlines in Rural Ohio Receive Grant


Dominican Sisters of Peace Rene Weeks and Barbara Rapp have each received a $1,000 “Sisters on the Frontlines” grant to support their ministries in rural Northeast Ohio. Sister Rene serves at Centro San Pablo, the immigrant resource center at St. Paul Parish in Salem and plans to use the grant to help local families obtain necessary back to school supplies. Sister Barbara serves at St. Patrick Parish in Leetonia and plans to use much of her grant to support the parish food pantry.

Peace Center Receives School Backpacks from Dominican’s Robotics Team


When an anonymous donor gifted St. Mary’s Dominican High School’s Robotics team with 100 school backpacks, with the request to give them to a group of students that would benefit from them, the team did not need to look far. “We are so grateful to be partnering with our St. Mary’s Dominican High School students in this way,” said Sr. Suzanne Brauer, OP, adding that the donation will be of great assistance to the many students served by the Peace Center.

Ministry During a Pandemic


When Sr. Jeanine Conlon, OP, said goodbye to the students of St. Charles School on Staten Island on March 13th, she only thought it would be for a few weeks. Never did she think, the next time she would see her students would be the following September. Despite many hardships, Sr. Jeanine also shared how her local community was able to come together and adapt to the new challenges faced by the pandemic.

Sister Spotlight:

Sr. Shirley Jeffcott, OP

Throughout her ministry at St. Pius V Parish and School in Rhode Island, Sr. Shirley Jeffcott, OP, has impacted many lives. Whether she was teaching in the school or answering phones in the parish office, Sr. Shirley has always done “whatever needs to be done” to support the St. Pius V community.

Associate Spotlight:

Andrew White, OPA

The charism of the Dominican Sisters of Peace is lived out in many ways by the Congregation’s nearly 650 Associates. Within that diversity, each Associate shares his or her time, talent, and treasure. As Director for the Center of Student Involvement at Ohio Dominican University, one of the Congregation’s founded ministries, Andrew finds himself in the perfect position to share the community’s message of peace and hope with college students. “For me, it is not a job. It’s a ministry that gives me an opportunity to give back what was given to me through the work of the Sisters,” Andrew said. “I am able to use my gift - the ability to build relationships as a way to help young people build community and strong support systems within the Ohio Dominican and Dominican Sisters of Peace communities.”

Program Challenges Us to Become the Compassion of God for the World

Has there ever been a time when the world has so desperately needed humankind to grow to its full stature as “The Beloved Family of God”? Sister Catherine Nerney, SSJ, PhD, responds to that need with a virtual presentation, “ Birthed from Compassion: Becoming Who We Are” from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT Saturday, September 19, 2020.

Soil and Soul: A Gardening Spirituality

Sinsinawa Mound Center is bringing gardening and spirituality together in Soil and Soul: A Gardening Spirituality. This virtual workshop will be held from 7:00 to 8:00pm on Wednesday, September 16, with Ecological Programming Coordinator Eric Anglada facilitating.


Father James Martin, SJ, Offers Virtual Discussion on Book on Catholic Church and LGBT Community

Father James Martin, SJ, leads a virtual discussion on his book, Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect. His discussion, via live stream, is from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. EDT Thursday, September 17, 2020.

Virtual Talk on Green New Deal Offered September 22

Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Office of Peace, Justice, and Integrity of Creation is offering a virtual presentation on the Green New Deal, a proposal in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to address global climate change.

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