DomLife newsletter. A web crossroads for the Order of Preachers.
no. 321
May 13, 2020
Dominican Sisters of Hope Buy Lunch for Healthcare Workers
“The Dominican Sisters of Hope can't visit with their members in senior living/nursing facilities, so they're doing the next best thing: buying lunch for the healthcare workers who are tirelessly caring for them. This week, the Dominican Sisters of Hope bought for the employees at the Wartburg in Mount Vernon, NY and Brandywine at Wall Senior Living in Wall, NJ. Both senior care facilities are home to a number of Dominican Sisters of Hope.”
New Director of the Sister Mary Nona McGreal, OP Center for Dominican Historical Studies at Dominican University
“After a thorough search and by the grace of Providence, we are pleased to announce the new Director of the Sister Mary Nona McGreal, OP Center for Dominican Historical Studies at Dominican University. Dr. Christopher M.B. Allison will officially begin his leadership of the McGreal Center on September 1.”
Cassie Vazquez | Editor | | Dominican Life | USA |
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