As Sister Christina Heltsley led families on a tour of an affordable housing apartment building in the North Fair Oaks neighborhood last month, she couldn’t help but reflect on the growing gap between the number of affordable homes on the Peninsula and the need she witnesses daily as executive director of the St. Francis Center, a nonprofit serving families in a low-income neighborhood just outside Redwood City.

Dubbed the St. Leo’s Apartments, the project and others aimed at preserving affordable housing have been a focus for Heltsley in recent years, marking a shift in the strategy her nonprofit employs to meet the needs of families in the area bordered largely by Caltrain tracks to the east and Woodside Road to the north.

St. Francis Center

Sister Christina Heltsley has helped the St. Francis Center, a nonprofit aimed at providing resources for the North Fair Oaks neighborhood outside Redwood City, grow to provide 82 units of affordable housing and several other resources such as a community garden and youth programs, near the intersection of Nottingham and Marlborough avenues.

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(1) comment

Cindy Cornell

I knew Sr. Monica, founder of St. Francis Center. She was a dynamo. Her shoes have been well-filled by Sr. Christina Heltsley who has a heart as big as a house and an intellect to match. The people she is helping are essential, but treated by most as disposable. We need all of these people in our community, and we need to support the work of St. Francis Center.

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